Dungeons & Dragons Alignments Explained
Alignment in Dungeons & Dragons defines a character's moral and ethical stance, influencing their behavior, choices, and even naming conventions. Certain names might be more common among lawful characters, while chaotic beings might favor more unpredictable or wild-sounding names.
A character's alignment affects their role-playing decisions, interactions with the world, and the names they are given or adopt. Lawful characters might have traditional or noble names, while chaotic ones may have unconventional or rebellious ones. Knowing alignment helps in choosing fitting names that reflect a character's nature.
Lawful Good
Upholds order and righteousness, always acting with honor and compassion.
Neutral Good
Acts for the greater good without strict adherence to rules or traditions.
Chaotic Good
Follows their own sense of morality, valuing freedom and kindness above laws.
Lawful Neutral
Follows rules and order without concern for morality, acting with discipline.
True Neutral
Maintains balance in all things, neither leaning towards good nor evil, law nor chaos.
Chaotic Neutral
Values personal freedom above all else, often unpredictable in behavior.
Lawful Evil
Follows a strict code or hierarchy while advancing their own dark ambitions.
Neutral Evil
Pursues self-interest without loyalty or concern for rules.
Chaotic Evil
Thrives on destruction, cruelty, and chaos.